July 30, 2009

Where Does The Dark Road Lead?

I had a strange revelation as I drove home this evening. I had just spent the last couple hours watching the newest Harry Potter film, which was a little disappointing by the way. It seemed to be the type of film that would be favored by those whose hearts are wooed by the Twilight stars. Now, I have not read either series and may never. However, after talking the Half-Blood Prince film over with my younger brother (who is a fan), I got the feeling that the film makers missed the point of the book. Or rather decided that the secondary plots of teenage love and drama would attract larger audiences. Frankly, I grew tired of the awkward exchanges and teenage-lovie-dovie nonsense. I was more interested in the bigger picture, which was...what again? Oh, yes. The powerful forces of evil that had risen again and were attempting to kill all that stood for good. But I guess I am just picky.

Oh, but that is not the point.
The Revelation
Revelation? Huh- that is only a little arrogant, isn't it? Is it really so profound as to merit that title. Or is it merely due to the fact that it is mine. Well, let's call it a thought. Maybe even an enlightened thought?
As I drove home down that dark highway, it occurred to me that I had no way of truly knowing what lay ahead. I mean, I had driven that road before. Many times actually. Yet, darkness has this way of making the familiar become very unfamiliar. Also, there were the road signs that kept me informed about what the road had in store and roughly when I would encounter it. Yet, there would be stretches of road where no sign would direct me for some time. The only constant while on this road where the lines that I followed. They kept me from straying off to one side or the other. They gave me just enough room to comfortably adjust my movement without losing the road. In all actuality, there was only one thing that I was focused upon. that was the point of road that continuously came into the illuminated view of my headlights. That was all that I could see ahead. Even with my brights on, I was still driving into an unknown darkness that would not be clear until I was nearly upon it. I guess, I find the whole scene to be rather surreal.
Now I can hear you: "What are you talking about? You just described driving at night. I was told that there was a revelation coming up!" Calm yourself and be patient.
Here is my inspired connection.

As I forged ahead into the dark unknown, I thought: "Huh, this is a lot like my life right now." Of course the metaphor should be obvious, but I like to type out my thoughts. I am still moving through life, whether it is quite slow or fast enough that I need to be put in my place. I may not be given clear road signs along the way and I may not see the ones that are there. I am just attempting to keep myself between those lines and on the road. I am alive and I am moving towards something. I don't know what and I surely can't see it. Yet, I am given occasional hints and my vision picks up the path as it is illuminated.
So, I can spend time double-checking the map, worrying over the absence of road signs, or even asking for directions. Ultimately, the only thing to do is to continue down the road. There are no short-cuts or easier ways. I must forge ahead into the unknown and take what comes my way. I know that the road leads somewhere, but I do not yet know where. Yet I keep moving. My destination will be reached, though I know not when or for how long.
I will strive to enjoy the ride.

Musical Thought that will accompany this Enlightened Thought:
Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls played while I drove home. Haven't heard that in a while! Always fun to rediscover something and find that you still like it!
I guess it is the chorus that really gets me, no matter its actual meaning.
And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

So, there you go.

Keep driving for the road holds much in store.

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